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What Does a Cultural Field Trip Look Like?

What Does a Cultural Field Trip Look Like?

A highlight for the students, only possible through the support and generosity of the William R. and Sara Babb Smith Foundation, was a cultural field trip that perfectly tied into what it is we strive for with the REACH 180 programs. This unique and enriching experience allowed us to further

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Volunteer Spotlight: Beth Rast

When Beth Rast first heard about Crosswalk’s work, she was still teaching middle school Spanish, but she promised once she retired, she would get involved. That’s been more than a decade ago, but she was true to her word and has been volunteering ever since, both in the detention center

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Finally Breaking Through

Author: Christina Byrne Art is frequently seen as just a creative outlet, but its impact can be profound. For our students, it can offer a safe way to express emotions and experiences that they have a hard time putting into words. We have witnessed so many transformative moments with our

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The Best They Can Hope For

Once an English teacher, always an English teacher. For 24 years I shared my love for words with hundreds of students in the classroom, so it won’t surprise you that I still take every opportunity that I can to dissect the language of Scripture as I prepare lessons for our

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SPORTSreach 180 & ARTreach 180: Where HOPE Resides

When people hear about impact stories within our SPORTSreach180 & ARTreach 180 programs, they immediately (and rightly so) identify those impact stories only affecting the students. That’s not wrong…but there’s SO much more impact that’s happening at those campuses. Over the years of being the Programs Director, I’ve been honored

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neuroaethetics at work in at risk youth

Crosswalk Ministries USA at NYAR

Representatives from Crosswalk Ministries USA will be presenting two workshops at the NYAR Conference (National Youth Advocacy & Resilience), March 3-6, 2024 in Savannah, Georgia. DRAMA WORKSHOP Feelings Center Stage: Using Playback Theatre to Process Emotions Participants in this workshop will be able to: ART WORKSHOP Art for Nourishing &

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Teens talking during Jumpstart Talk Circle At ARTreach 180

REACH 180 Programs Spring Semester Update

REACH 180 programs started back this week and we are so excited for what this semester is going to bring! Campus Locations Three churches have graciously given us space to use as our campuses and we couldn’t be more grateful to have their congregations wrap around the students and their

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Fruit In Season

In spite of the fact that I love gardening and the fruits of my labors that result in the spring and summer, fall is still my favorite season. Not only do I enjoy hiking in the mountains, sweater weather, college football, and the vibrant colors of the changing leaves, but

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